We love fancy dress probably a little more than most, but even we shy away from permanently dying and cutting our hair for a costume party! For us, it's all about the fancy dress wigs. There's no better way to really transform yourself into a new character than by donning a wonderful wig along with your costume. It's fast, it's simple, and it really takes your fancy dress outfit to a whole new level.
We've got fancy dress wigs designed for specific costumes - a la the Oompa Loompas or Harley Quinn - as well as plenty of generic wig styles which could serve you for a whole host of costumes. Dressing up as a free-spirited 70s diva? We've got a wig for that. Will you be donning the flares and platform boots to become an authentic disco dancer? Take your pick from our afro fancy dress wigs. From punk rockers to colourful clowns, we have wigs for almost every single one of your alter egos! Plus, if you look after your hairpiece right, you'll be able to wear it time and time again.
Whether they feature bouncing beehives, weird and wonderful colours or perfectly polished plaits, fancy dress wigs are perfect for achieving hairstyles that are just not possible or practical to create with your own hair. You can throw on a wig at the last minute and instantly transform yourself with minimal effort. That means you can put even more time into your costume and accessories, and pull together the most spectacular fancy dress getup!

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